Lead with Confidence, Transform with Purpose, Communicate with Clarity.

Bold Leadership

Courageous leaders drive change. We help you lead with confidence, vision, and lasting impact.

Effective Change

Seamless change needs strategy. We guide transitions that strengthen culture and ensure growth.

Clear Communication

Strong leaders communicate clearly. We refine messaging to inspire trust, alignment, and action.
What We Do

Leadership Training And Development 

Our support is available for individuals, teams and boards.  We provide a range of support with leadership, training and development.   

Many individuals find themselves in a position of management and leadership, often without specific training on how to become a leader.  They often struggle with the balance between compassionate leadership and making the difficult choices in the best interests of the organisation’s successful sustainable future. Someone once said to Christine “don’t mistake kindness and weakness…”  Learning about self in relation to others at work is the key to unlocking the potential of an individual to be a great leader as well as a successful strategist.

However long someone has been in a position of leadership…there is always something to learn.  We work with ‘leadership teams’ as well as individual leaders through workshops, coaching and mentoring.

Operating as part of a team can be challenging and yet rewarding. Cohesion, effective team dynamics and communication are at the root of success. Without them, productivity, individual relationships and team members excellence can be detrimentally affected. We can facilitate team building sessions resulting in improved understanding of each other, communication and productivity. See Clarity 4D (clicking on this will take people to the section on this) for further information.
The principles of governance can be complex and difficult to navigate. A well-functioning board, with understanding of its obligations and responsibilities…as well as a strong and successful interface between board and senior executives can literally make the difference between the sustainability of an organisation, or its failure. We can provide an honest assessment of what a board needs to overcome issues of governance, conflict, communication and oversight of senior staff. We can support boards with development of the skills they need to navigate the myriad of issues they will face. As part, or in addition to this we offer generic trustee training and induction for those new to trusteeship. We use the Clarity4D profiling tool to take teams and individuals through a program that provides insights that change the way they work, communicate and interact with each other.

Change And Transformation  

Continuous change is a part of the day-to-day challenge for all organisations. The future is no longer certain, with developments in technology, finding new sources of income maintaining a competitive offer.  Relationships between an organisation and its employee’s is also changing, with staff wanting a focus on their well-being, hybrid working and four-day working weeks.

New legislation and regulation require leaders and boards to operate in a more agile way while looking to the future and anticipating what is needed 6-12 months ahead.  

We offer a service to assist boards and executives to assess their success in these areas and project management for improvement.  This can be through strategic ‘away days’ or with a program that works with teams over several weeks.  We can offer online and face to face support depending on the issues and resources available.  This can include the following: 
  • Interim CEO/Senior Leadership 
  • Project management 
  • Troubleshooting 
  • Change and transformation Programs 
  • Closure oversight 
    • Interim management 
  • Support to re-negotiate contracts  
    • Local authorities 
    • Health contracts 
    • Pricing structures 
  • Re-structures and re-organisations 
  • Mergers and acquisitions 
    • Facilitation of negotiations 
    • Project management 
    • Integration 

Strategy, Planning, Culture And Governance 

The value of an external facilitator enables boards and leaders to fully participate in discussions and activities for vital planning.  We can bring a fresh perspective and constructive challenge to enable participants to stretch their thinking. We provide specific support for boards of trustees/directors, CEO’s and leadership teams to support them with any of the following:
  • Developing a culture built around the values and vision of the organisation.  This will then flow through into how teams operate, the types of services you offer and how to remain focussed on operating productively whilst holding true to your values. 
  • We can provide advice and guidance for boards around governing document reviews, charity commission requirements and best practice.  We also support with succession planning for boards, identifying the needs of a board as well as recruitment, selection and induction.  
  • We can support with service user and staff feedback and analysis.  We can develop wellbeing programs for staff including both formal and informal support.   
  • We also work with executive teams, CEO’s and heads of department with succession planning.  This links closely with our training and development work, taking account of talent spotting, encouraging development and supporting individuals who have an appetite to advance their careers.   
About Us

Leadership Lumina, Christine Alexander and Jacqui Finn, share 40+ years’ experience of senior leadership and are Clarity4D Business Partners.   

Christine and Jacqui work with clients to understand their needs and desired outcomes and then design a bespoke service using a variety of tools and techniques.  With a proven ability to provide strategic leadership, secure funding, develop effective governance, lead mergers, manage change and build partnerships, Christine and Jacqui’s approach is focussed on enhancing organisational culture and performance.  Leadership Lumina brings specific knowledge and expertise to a range of consultancy services.  They bring a new and fresh perspective to whatever challenges you may be facing.  You will receive a free consultation to assess your needs and discuss your budget.   No request is too small, and all offerings will be flexed to meet your needs  Often, external support brings a fresh perspective.  Additionally, when busy schedules prevent time to invest in improvement, external support can help.   Please drop us a line to discuss any areas that you think we might be able to help with.  We will give an honest appraisal of whether we can help…but if not, we will point you in the right direction. 

Christine Alexander

Christine quickly and insightfully assesses an organisation’s needs, whether strategic or specific. She is extremely skilled at providing appropriate and accurate solutions bespoke to the needs of the organisation she is working with Her experience makes her dependable and trustworthy.

Christine believes in values led leadership that puts people at the heart of an organisation.  She has become an expert mentor and coach following years of supporting her staff to be the best they can be.

Christine is an expert at organisational strategy, merger negotiations, team development and governance.  As an accredited Business Partner in Clarity4D, she uses this tool to support personal growth, cohesive teams and improved communication. 

Jacqui Finn

Guided by her values of fairness, inclusivity, honesty and transparency, Jacqui is an experienced senior executive leader, trustee and advisor having worked in the not-for-profit sector for 40 years across different cultural and social backgrounds in the UK, Portugal, Pakistan and Sierra Leone.

Jacqui is experienced in developing strategies, organisational change, re-structuring, mergers and acquisitions and charity governance, advising, guiding, facilitating and supporting leadership teams and trustees.

She is an accredited Business Partner in Clarity4D, a personal and team profiling tool to support leadership and team communication resulting in stronger relationships and superior outcomes and impact. 

Clarity4D- Clearer Communication Through Colour

We believe that effective communication is the key to all relationships at work and beyond. Clearer communication means stronger relationships and stronger relationships lead to superior outcomes. We are problem solvers. As accredited business partners with C4D we have access to a suite of resources that we use for our leadership training and development.

Clarity 4D provides personality profiles designed to improve people’s understanding of themselves and others personality types and communication preferences. This has been proven to be successful for; 


Helping Them To Become More Effective In Working With Others, As A Leader And Manager Of Others, In Career Development Or Broader Life Choices 


Helping Them To Understand Each Other Better, Communicate More Effectively Leading To Greater Productivity And Well-Being


Creating An Organisation-Wide Language Of Colour, Simplifying Communication, Leading To Greater Collaboration, Cooperation And Accountability. 
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